Alpine Collision Tip

Things to know before having your car repaired

You will likely have a lot of questions when your car needs auto body repair. How should insurance be involved? Where should I take my car? How do I know I can trust a company to do all that is needed? Why would Alpine Collision be the best option for me?

Here are 10 of the most important things to know before getting your car repaired and why we are the best option for you in the Vail Valley…

Your car is one of the largest investments you're likely to make.


Your car is one of the largest investments you're likely to make.

With this in mind, you can preserve your car’s value and, most importantly, your safety by having it repaired professionally with our team at Alpine Collision.

Never drive a car that could be unsafe because of damages.


Never drive a car that could be unsafe because of damages.

If your car is damaged, please give us a call so we can help. We are frequently asked about the safety of a car that has ‘simple’ damage: they backed into a pole and now the rear bumper is bent, the trunk is out of alignment, or there are deep scratches. Is it okay to keep driving the car? In most cases, the answer is no. 

A damaged bumper won’t work as intended and, in some cases, could fall off while you are driving. A car with a door/trunk alignment issue will respond poorly to gusts of wind and rain. A deep scratch might be fine in the short term but can easily lead to rust and damage to your car frame. If you are unsure about the safety of your car because of damages, please consult with us.

You can have insurance inspect your car at our shop


You can have insurance inspect your car at our shop.

Some insurance companies may want you to visit their drive-in claims center before having your car repaired. You can do this if you have the time and your car is safe to drive or you may leave your car at your shop and ask that the insurance company inspect the car from here. If they come to our place, then we will be in a great position to help with this part of the process.

There is no law requiring you to obtain more than one estimate or appraisal.


There is no law requiring you to obtain more than one estimate or appraisal.

When you find a place that offers what you and your car need, then that should be the place you work with. Though it’s not required by law, some insurance companies may request more than one estimate. Comparing estimates can be helpful in deciding which place will provide exactly what you and your car need. Differences in skill, technique, paint, and parts should all be considered.  If you get multiple estimates, it's important to understand why estimates differ and the overall value for you.

You have the right to go to the repair shop of your choice.


You have the right to go to the repair shop of your choice.

There is usually more than one repair shop you can choose from and your insurance company cannot require you to go to a particular shop. Here are four things to consider when choosing an auto body shop:

Reputation: Get a recommendation from a trusted friend or look at online reviews. 

Location: Work with a shop that is clean and organized and isn’t more than an hour from your location. 

Estimates: Compare quotes and their overall value.

Professionalism: Confirm that they have a license and fire/theft insurance and their warranty offering.

Differences in repair estimates are common.


Differences in repair estimates are common.

Differences in repair estimates are common. A lower estimate may not include all necessary work, may include cheap paint or parts, or may not offer a good warranty.  If you’re not sure why one estimate is different from another you’ve received, please ask us.

Choose a shop that has uni-body repair equipment and certified technicians.


Choose a shop that has uni-body repair equipment and certified technicians.

Many cars use materials that require a high degree of precision and special equipment to repair.  We provide specialized training and equipment so that our certified technicians are able to ‘speak’ the same language as the car they are working on.



Ask if the shop will be using original manufacturer replacement parts.

Original equipment manufacturers (OEM) are typically more expensive but they provide the best visual match, durability, and value. This can make a large difference in terms of why estimates differ and in terms of your overall happiness with your repair.

Choose a shop that has uni-body repair equipment and certified technicians.


Ask if the shop offers a repair warranty

A warranty is a guarantee promising to make things right if something does meet set expectations over a defined period of time. We make sure that every care is taken to assure that the repairs we make were accomplished using the latest techniques and materials and that our staff is committed to your satisfaction. As such, we provide an easy to understand, written warranty with all of our repairs and the parts we recommend include a lifetime warranty.

Ask if the shop will be using original manufacturer replacement parts.


We are available to negotiate your claim with your insurance company.

If you have vehicle damage but are concerned about how to work with your insurance company, please contact us. Many auto paint and body repairs are done as part of insurance claims, which typically involves a lot of tricky red tape.

We are used to working with insurance companies and will help you navigate the process while also helping you restore your vehicle.


That’s our top 10 list of the most important things to know before getting your car repaired. If you have any questions about our list or about why we are the best option for you in the Vail Valley, please let us know!